Hi, I’m Pam, a Certified Life Coach, I help women with the messy middle we call Mid-Life + Middlescence.

The Midlife transition comes with a unique kind of stress, you are likely wondering what is going on, perhaps you are thinking you can’t seem to do what you used to, and “I don’t understand”, is a regular thought that enters your mind.

You might feel like you don’t know yourself anymore, or you’ve lost your sense of purpose.


I help midlife women figure it out, find their purpose again, live their best life, stress less and discover what's next.

If you're a woman struggling with the middlescence transition you're in the right place,

Book a mini session today.

Mid-life is generally considered the central period of a person's life, spanning from approximately age 40 to 65. It's often associated with a time of reflection and sometimes stress as individuals consider aging, mortality, and their life's purpose.

Midlife women often undergo significant changes in their relationships, jobs, health and their appearance.

It is a transition between phases and eras. Recently, the concept of “middlescence” has been gaining momentum as a bookend to adolescence, full of transitions such as parents passing away, career change, becoming an “empty nester,” divorce, menopause, growing interest in one’s internal life, or unexpected health diagnosis, mid-life is generally considered the central period of a person's life, spanning from approximately age 40 to 65. It's often associated with a time of reflection and sometimes stress as individuals consider aging, mortality, and their life's purpose.

Midlife women often undergo significant changes in their relationships, jobs, health and their appearance, that can eat away at our self-confidence and activate self-doubt.

Would you like to make the most of middlescence, be able to stress less & enjoy life more!

This is for you, if you have got to a place in your life where you are feeling the mid-life stress and beginning to think there has got to be more to life, a sense of urgency has entered your life, a sense of something missing. You might be experiencing a loss of direction or a crisis of confidence or identity.

If this is you, then I am excited for you. I have been where you are, and you are about to embark on what could be the best time of your life, if you choose to.

Hi, I’m Pam, I am passionate about empowering midlife women, life, and horses.

I had just had my 50th birthday, although in hindsight I suspect perimenopause started about 5 years earlier, I was just too busy to notice the subtle signs, but what we have been taught are “key” birthdays to celebrate in combination with perimenopause triggered the roller coaster ride.

I had a hysterectomy at 27 years old, and still had my ovaries, I wasn’t having hot flushes, although I started having intolerance to foods, and hay fever and sinus issues that I had never previously experienced.

I couldn’t think straight, felt more anxious than normal, despite all of that I decided it was probably nothing and ignored it all, of course I know now what was happening.

It is amazing how little women know about perimenopause, the changes, the symptoms or the management of it, I knew nothing other than hot flushes were a symptom and I wasn’t getting those.

I felt this sense of urgency that I had never had before, I was changing, I felt different, I have always been a “busy” person, strong, plenty of energy. This changed to waking regularly through the night, I felt an overwhelming tiredness most days and became easily irritated.

One of my strengths is taking action, always a self-help geek, I started reading, searching google, not once did midlife or perimenopause come up as a result of any symptom searches. The searches offered depression, therapy, meditation etc. even my doctor suggested I could try anti-depressants and see if that helped.

One day during one of my searches “self-coaching scholars” came up, at that point I had never heard of ‘Life Coaching” but as I read it, I thought I’ve got nothing to lose so I signed up and the rest is history.

At the beginning of my midlife, I had no idea what hit me, one day I was coping and the next I wasn’t, or at least that’s what it felt like. It never even occurred to me that I had hit “middlescence”, or that we are biologically wired to have a “middlescence” just as we are biologically wired as children to go through “adolescence” which we all know is a confusing time in a young person’s life, well middlescence is the same but different.

The triggers of stress are many, it could be relationships, family, money, health, work, internal stressors, community and world problems, or other responsibilities. It could be one, two or all of these, because we know the cause we can figure out what we need to do or know exactly who to get to help us.

Midlife stress is different, it seems to come from nowhere, there is no viewable cause, no obvious cause and there is no way to avoid it. Middlescence is life altering, and despite knowing it happens, it catches us unprepared. Everything feels like it’s changing, and it feels out of our control, but you can choose how and what it changes for you, who you become as a result of the experience and what memories you will create.

How is middlescence effecting you?

  • People Pleasing & feeling selfish, Buffering e.g over-eating, over-drinking.

  • Fear, Anxiety & Worry, trust issues.

  • Conflict in relationships, internal self-critic, judgemental.

  • Overwhelm, brain fog & fatigue, sleep issues.

  • Not feeling "good" enough, guilt, shame.

  • Anger, frustration, resentment, blaming.

BREATHE it doesn’t need to be this way or feel like this.

Middlescence shakes up our life and you are not alone it is part of the female human experience; I know it all feels like too much right now but if you will let me, I can help you avoid the misery, the unknown of the it, the self-doubt and uncertainty of it.

You might notice yourself thinking, “I don’t understand”, “I never used to”, or some other question that only fuels the fear, the unknown, self-doubt and uncertainty.

Well, I do understand, and I can help.

I can help you feel less stressed, lose the sense of urgency that has come into your life, regain your sense of purpose and build a future of beautiful memories.

If you find his hard to believe let me show you.

Click the button below.

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What People are saying….

Janene says: “You’ve made such a difference, Pam, although the same stuff is happening at home, I am dealing with it much better. So helpful, Thanks a million.”

Dyane says: “What I have spent years trying to figure out on my own and with counsellors you have helped me figure out in just 2 weeks, it’s amazing”.

Dallas says: “Pam thank you for all the support, understanding and time you have given me to discuss whatever I feel is the highest priority on my list. I appreciate how you guide me to my own conclusions and the patience you show when teaching and reinforcing skills that nurture my mindset and thought processes into a more positive, healthy and helpful relationship with myself.

Kourtney says: “Although I found much of our sessions very confronting, I can confidently say I gained so much from our discussions. Your advice and tools have continued to be repeated in my mind in various situations since and have been very useful. I feel like I am in a better mental and emotional space at work, and you helped me to realise my worth in my role. I also am putting more emphasis on myself and spending more time with my family, focusing on quality time with my kids.”  

Sarah says: “I know that the help that you have given me has prevented me from being overwhelmed by some of the issues and able to keep a more healthy perspective. I feel so much more confident about making decisions that allow me to acknowledge my own needs as well as those of others.”