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The Human Experience

The Human Experience

By Pamela Poole

We are created through relationship, born into relationship, damaged in relationship and healed through relationship. We can all relate to each other's experience of living and yet we all experience living differently.
We are the same and different. In this podcast I talk about what it is to be human, shed light on what and why we think, feel and do, how our history of socialization, experiences, family etc. How that shapes us but doesn't need to define us.
Currently playing episode

Struggling with a sense of purpose. Ep36

The Human ExperienceMay 19, 2024

Struggling with a sense of purpose. Ep36

Struggling with a sense of purpose. Ep36

Having a sense of purpose is one of the four pillars of well-being and mental health.

That’s what I want to talk to you about today, because the loss of it is one of the main features of aging + menopause.

May 19, 202413:16
#35 Forward Focused

#35 Forward Focused

FYI – the primitive brain doesn’t really like interesting and fun as it is a little unpredictable and may be unsafe so you may need a little courage in there.  As an old song goes, written by Garth Brooks "I rather have more life in my years than years in my life”. Me too.

May 12, 202408:11


Shara came to me because she'd been dealing with perimenopause, self-doubt, anxiety, fatigue and overwhelm for 3 years.

May 07, 202418:11
#33 Result essentials

#33 Result essentials

So, sometimes it is helpful to allow ourselves to do what we've always done so we can observe and gather information that will allow us to understand,

Apr 20, 202413:18
#32 Told "life is hard"

#32 Told "life is hard"


My brain was trying to tell me I shouldn’t be coping this well, that it is meant to be hard, that I should be suffering more, struggling more, I experienced feelings of guilt about feeling okay through it all, as if being okay meant I didn’t care enough.

Apr 12, 202409:32
Taught to worry.

Taught to worry.

Now of course this was not the intended lesson. But I watched, I listened, and I learned and as a child I was pretty sure I had it right. I was meant to worry. So long as I was worried it meant I cared. I wasn't meant to do anything with it. Just ruminate and worry about people and things outside of my control when I should be worried about myself.

Apr 01, 202411:45
#30 Why compassion is essential when facing up.

#30 Why compassion is essential when facing up.

Compassion feels safe. Judgment and criticism does not feel safe. And the part of our nervous system that promotes calm and good decision making, confidence, etc., is activated when we feel safer.

Mar 15, 202414:04
Facing up. Ep. 29

Facing up. Ep. 29

acing up requires that you be willing to have the experience that is causing the stress response and the stress, so the physiological experience of it, as the first step. Once we face up, our next step then is to gather information, ask questions and get really clear about the problem.

Mar 07, 202418:00
#28 The Human Experience of life coaching

#28 The Human Experience of life coaching

So, I think a really good place to start ...

Feb 18, 202409:60
#27 Our instincts are more than just fight or flight

#27 Our instincts are more than just fight or flight

So whether we like it or not, as humans we have core needs that require recognition and fulfilment to survive and to maintain general wellbeing. These needs need to be met both internally by ourselves and externally by others.

Feb 09, 202411:23
Don't wait for life to force change upon you.

Don't wait for life to force change upon you.

Ep26 - We desire excitement as much as we desire comfort and because of these and other conflicting drives we can easily find ourselves stuck between the wanting to change and being too scared to change or wanting something different and not knowing how to achieve that because our fear of the unknown gets in the way.

Feb 01, 202409:41
What we need to know about the human brain.

What we need to know about the human brain.

You might try and argue that your brain has never been supervised or managed, you’re doing ok so why would I need to now.

As children all of that supervision comes from outside of us from our parents or peers, they guide us, they manage our brains for us by telling us what to do, how to do it etc. they supervise us and appropriately so because we don't have the knowledge or the experience to be able to do that for ourselves as children.

Jan 23, 202413:35


The goal of this podcast is to share knowledge and information that normalises the human experience. Did you know

that all disorders are just normal human behaviours that developed out of self-protection. One of those normal behaviours, the one that I want to talk to you today about, is called projection.

Jan 18, 202411:19
The messy middle

The messy middle

The challenge of the messy middle is why so many stay stuck, why people continue to engage in behaviours and relationships that are not healthy or helpful for them.

Jan 10, 202409:14


The only reason anything is a problem is because we as either the individual or a collective have decided it is. Problems are very personalised; they are not facts.  This is why one person in a relationship can consider something is a problem and the other may not.  A problem is an idea we have about something.

Dec 20, 202309:46
Micro Decisions

Micro Decisions

I know when I began to look at my micro decisions it shocked me to realise that the results that kept happening that I thought were out of my control, were actually due to micro decisions I was making, that at the time I made them seemed so inconsequential.

Dec 14, 202314:04
Imagination vs reality

Imagination vs reality

our imagination can be in the past or the future, it's very rarely in the present, because that's where reality resides. And I was reminded earlier this week during a conversation with my husband just how easy it is to fall into the trap of confusing imagination with reality in an unhelpful way.

Dec 07, 202313:28
Wanting to want it.

Wanting to want it.

I used to believe if you really want something then taking action is easy, I’d let nothing stand in my way, I realise what I was also stating by omission was, if I found taking action hard or I didn’t take the action I thought I should, it meant I didn’t want it enough. What a load of bollocks.

Nov 29, 202315:19
Becoming authentic is easier said than done.

Becoming authentic is easier said than done.

The problem with that is that there is literally nothing authentic about operating in the world that way.

Nov 20, 202311:10
People pleasing webinar eps 17

People pleasing webinar eps 17

This is a shortened version of a People Pleasing webinar I hosted earlier this year.

Nov 13, 202314:33
Feeling or Action? Eps 16

Feeling or Action? Eps 16

If we don't see that and we decide to put anticipation in the feeling line, and I'm not saying it's not ever there, I'm just saying we need to be mindful of the context so that we can correctly identify whether, in this instance, it's in our feeling line or in our action line.

Nov 07, 202308:32
We need it to be our own most valuable resource. - ep15

We need it to be our own most valuable resource. - ep15

If we had all been given those skills as we were growing up, most of us would probably be experiencing a much more satisfying life and certainly much more improved well-being or for some of us mental health, right?

Oct 27, 202309:29
Internal Dialogue - episode 14

Internal Dialogue - episode 14

When we can come to grips with the truth of internal dialogue we can stop resisting, fighting, judging it, we can accept it for what it is just learned words and sentences being used by our brain in an attempt to keep us safe, once we do that then we are able to ask the helpful question…

Oct 17, 202311:41
The complaint feature.

The complaint feature.

The problem is it’s “negative” labelling and viewing it through that lens interferes with our ability to see any value in it.

Oct 10, 202314:51
Predictably unpredictable

Predictably unpredictable

To get to a “predictably unpredictable” space we require significant exposure and experience within the environment and/or relationship that we want to be comfortable in. We need to have spent enough time watching, observing, asking questions, experimenting, participating etc. to gain the knowledge that leads to this type of predictability.

Oct 05, 202314:06
Self-discovery - what it is and why it matters.

Self-discovery - what it is and why it matters.

Look at all the different marketing in the world related to therapy, counselling, life coaching etc.  They all offer a variety of possibilities, options, and ideas about both the problems we all have and how to solve them. This is a wonderful thing because we are all so different and we will all be looking for something that specifically resonates with us.

The one thing that they all have in common no matter what, is that they all support you to look at yourself, to get to know yourself, so in essence Self-discovery, is the solution to every problem.

Sep 26, 202310:49
Life after Trauma

Life after Trauma

“Trauma is caused by a deeply disturbing or distressing event that activates a primitive intense survival response, and creates a direct connection between our senses, and our survival response. 

Sep 20, 202314:52
Keep it in context

Keep it in context

Considering context supports a more helpful perspective, more balanced, more open, context is the grey in the spectrum of black and white.

Sep 12, 202310:22
Perspective Swapping

Perspective Swapping

This phenomenon struck me as very curious. My feet, having been in my warm shoes, would have me believe the water was cold. My hands, having been in the cold air, would have me believe the water was warm. The water temperature was the same, it hadn’t changed. But my experience of it, my perception of it, was quite different depending on which part of my body was submerged in the water.

Sep 05, 202314:50
Confusion - why I welcome it.

Confusion - why I welcome it.

This is the experience of confusion, and as unpleasant as it can be I welcome it because I know that it means I am questioning old, learned thoughts, behaviours, patterns, or information and if I give myself some time and space, I will figure it out.

Aug 29, 202307:23
Validation - the importance of this being an inside job.

Validation - the importance of this being an inside job.

Now most of us, most of us look outside ourselves for validation, why, because when we're born, we have a basic need to feel safe and this requires a sense of belonging and approval.

Aug 23, 202313:20
Keeping our nervous system regulated

Keeping our nervous system regulated

Spectrum of unsafe through to safe – most of the time we sit with the see saw leaning towards safe, those of us with trauma in our histories are often more often than not sitting on the unsafe, alert side.

Aug 15, 202318:02
"Good Enough"

"Good Enough"

The truth is from the moment we are born, we are enough, we never question the worth or good enough-ness or value of a baby

Aug 08, 202311:60
Contribution & Over-responsibility

Contribution & Over-responsibility

A great question to ask yourself, is what is my contribution? what is my part of the responsibility pie?

Aug 02, 202317:32
What we believe matters.

What we believe matters.

Our beliefs have a lot to do with how we operate, act, make decisions day to day, they affect our relationships more than any other single factor, so what we believe matters.

Jul 26, 202311:03
Powerful Conversations

Powerful Conversations

Don't wait for tragedy or a personal crisis to have these conversations.

Jul 23, 202312:11